
What is Internal Branding? 

Internal branding is a “continuous process in place by which you ensure your employees understand the ‘who’ and ‘why’ behind your business proposition” (Businessweek). Internal branding rarely gets the attention of external branding, yet it plays a crucial role in business success.

The aim of internal branding is for employees at all levels to be ambassadors or true representatives of the company and its values and to gain their “buy in”. Internal branding is a strategy in which employees not only stay true to the company’s brand goals but also live by them.

Internal branding and external branding must be related. When a brand is successfully rooted within the company, all employees understand it and act in its interests. Internal branding helps strengthen your company’s overall brand by encouraging employees to embrace the company’s values.

How do you develop an
internal brand? 

  1. Define your mission, vision and values as a company
  2. Involve employees in developing your internal branding
  3. Invest in personalizing employee experiences
  4. Have ways for employees to access company information
  5. Appreciation, recognition, encouragement, reward

What are the methods for internal branding? 

Internal Communications

Having a clear and consistent strategy for conveying your brand values to employees is the top challenge in internal branding. An effective internal communications strategy should create a two-way dialogue between managers and employees. The most widely used channels are email, intranet, social media, banners and posters, employee engagement surveys, and internal messaging 

Recruitment Practices

Every component of your company’s operations should reflect your internal brand. Say your external candidates spend hours interviewing and preparing material, and your HR team doesn’t spend five minutes to let them know they’ve hired a different candidate. If your company brand and values include valuing people, you’ve just failed to do so. That candidate might end up posting a negative public review on Glassdoor, harming your brand.

Training and Development

Having a formal training process that matches your brand should begin at onboarding and continues throughout all training and development programs. 

Leadership Practices

Company leadership has a crucial role to play in role-modeling your internal brand, yet only 22% of employees feel that “management walks the talk with respect to brand values”. 

Reward & Recognition Programs

Recognize employees who act in accordance with your brand standards.  

Develop an internal
brand strategy. 

YourHR can help internal brand building which emphasizes employees respecting the values of the brand, its history, and goals via carrying themselves as a representative. An engaged employee is a game-changer for brands. When they understand the brand values and believe in it, they champion the company’s good days and vice versa. The whole idea of internal branding lies in the outcome of a positive reputation and building credibility at all levels of your company. 

Internal Branding